Business Property
The Personal Property Unit is responsible for the discovery and assessment of all taxable business property, boats, commercial and private aircraft. Although assessed differently, the tax rate is the same for both personal and real property at the same location. Personal Property and fixtures are appraised annually at their full market value.
Who Must File Property Statements
The California Revenue and Taxation Code requires that every person who owns, claims, possesses, or controls business property (i.e., machinery and equipment, office furniture, computers, tools, molds, dies, and fixtures leasehold improvements) on January 1 of each year, shall file a Property Statement, upon request of the Assessor or an aggregate cost greater than $100,000.
BOE Form 571-L
Each year, the BOE Form 571-L MUST be completed and filed with the Assessor in the county the property is operated or located, detailing costs of all supplies, equipment and fixtures at each location as of January 1 of each year. The 571-L is a standardized form approved by the California Board of Equalization. The due date is April 1. If your property statement is e-filed or post-marked after May 7th, 5 p.m., you will be subject to a 10% late filing penalty. If May 7th falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the property statement may be e-filed or mailed and postmarked on the next business day.
If any person fails to file the property statement, the Assessor’s Office is required to estimate the value of the property and place the assessment on the tax roll with a 10% penalty for failure to file the property statement. The Assessor’s Office shall not change an Assessor’s Estimate of value for failure to file. If the tax payer disagrees with the value placed on the tax roll due to failure to file the 571-L, they must file a timely Appeal for Equalization of the Assessment with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Examples of Non-Taxable Property
Inventory for sale, application software, and DMV licensed vehicles (licensed vehicles are assessed by the DMV for personal property taxes).
Examples of Taxable Property
Buildings/ fixtures/ leasehold improvements, land improvements, office furniture & equipment, machinery, forklifts, tools, computers & operating systems, supplies, and equipment leased, rented or loaned to others.
Electronic e-Filing
Electronic e-Filing is quick and easy at The user must have an Account number and a BIN number to e-File. The Assessor’s Office will send you these ID numbers every year. If the user does not have an Account number and BIN number, the user can request them on our website. If the user has a tax preparer complete the Property Statement, the user must make sure they get the Account number and BIN number to file.
Assistance Completing the Form
Contact our office at 909-382-3220 for help. If needed, request an appointment to come into the office at 222 W Hospitality Lane, 4th floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415. We will help complete the form.
If the property owner has changed the mailing address, moved, sold, or closed the business, they must complete form APP149 Request for Change on our website. It is the property owner’s responsibility to have the most current information filed with the Assessor.
Copies of the current year’s valuation can be requested with the 571-L filing. Anyone may request copies of their prior year’s filings by contacting our office either by mail or email.

San Bernardino County Assessor, Business Property Division
222 W Hospitality Lane, 4th floor
San Bernardino, CA 92415
Phone: 909-382-3220
FAX: 909-386-8722