Real Property
The terms Real Property and Real Estate are typically used interchangeably. Real Property refers to ownership interests in land, water rights, mineral rights, and any improvements affixed to the land, including structures, trees/timber/natural vegetation and fixtures. Real Property is defined by the by the California Revenue & Taxation Code as; the possession of, claim to, ownership of, or right to the possession of land and improvements. The fundamental rights associated with real property are the rights to possession, control, enjoyment, and disposition.
Examples of taxable real property include; the houses we live in, typically referred to as single family residential, vacant land held for future development, developed land with an apartment complex, a regional mall, a manufacturing plant or an industrial warehouse on the property. Taxable real property can also include private beneficial interests in publically owned real estate, commonly known as possessory interests.
With respect to Real Property, Proposition 13, passed in 1978, is the constitutional amendment that substantially changed the taxation of Real Estate.
The annual review, maintenance of building records, and appraisal of all real property parcels throughout the county, are handled by our eight district offices. Please contact the nearest district office if you have questions or wish to make an appointment.