Proposition 8 – Decline in Market Value
This proposition allows the Assessor to temporarily lower assessments when the market value on January 1 is lower than the factored base year value for that year.
- If you feel your property has suffered a decline in value; that is, the current market (saleable) value of your property has fallen below the current assessed value as shown on the assessment roll, you may request a “Prop 8” decline in value “free” reassessment by the County Assessor.
- Upon written application by the property owner to the Assessor’s Office the property value will be reviewed as of the preceding January 1st lien date. The last day to file an application for the preceding January 1st lien date is December 31st.
- If the market value of the property is less than its factored base year value, market value will be enrolled for that specific assessment year.
- Whenever such relief is provided, the Assessor is obligated to annually review and enroll the lesser of either market value or the factored base year value, but never higher than the factored base year (Proposition 13) value.
- Call, write or visit the Assessor’s district office for more information
- If it is determined that the current market value of the property exceeds the factored base year value, the factored base year value will be fully restored for the assessment year. When the factored base year value is restored, the property will no longer require an annual review and will then be subject to assessment under Prop 13 provisions. The application for “decline in value” reassessment (Prop 8)
- Under Prop 8, assessed values might increase by more than 2% per year if market conditions warrant it. However, an assessed value will never exceed its Prop 13 value. Once the Prop 13 value is restored, the assessed value will be limited to a maximum annual increase of no more than 2%.

Chart Description
- Initial base year value: In year 1, the subject property was purchased (transferred) for $200,000 and the Assessor enrolled that amount as the base year value.
- Year 2: The market value of the property has grown to $250,000. The maximum amount the property could be assessed under proposition 13 is $204,000 ($200,000 + 2%).
- Years 3-6: The market value of the property has decreased below the factored base year value (prop 13) limit. The assessment, upon request of the property owner, would be reduced to the actual market value.
- Year 7: Although market value reaches $300,000, assessed value is just $225,232 (value at acquisition plus 2% for every year after base year).